No.18 【論文要旨 掲載】
氷温科学 No.18 2017.3.25 [ISSN 2432-2660]
目 次
ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイス貯蔵による鮮魚の品質保持延長効果 p 1
氷温熟成による豚ロース皮下脂肪部の遊離脂肪酸生成およびトリアシルグリセロール分解に及ぼす影響 p 7
細見亮太・福間康文・仲 勇樹・中澤知奈美・吉田宗弘・福永健治
氷温域付近における20世紀梨の音波伝搬特性の測定 p 13
第31回 氷温研究全国大会 学術研究発表
氷温熟成豚肉の脂肪融点と呈味成分の関係 p 21
氷温域付近における20世紀梨の音波伝搬特性の測定 p 22
第四回 低温・氷温研究会
様々な分野への氷温処理の応用について p 25
国立米子工業高等専門学校 物質工学科 助教 伊達勇介
氷温下でのブドウの減圧乾燥と各種の変化 p 26
ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイスを用いたマサバ貯蔵中の鮮度指標の変化 p 27
氷温熟成豚肉の皮下脂肪部から抽出した脂質の性状評価 p 28
ニホンナシ系統TH3とタイワンナシ横山とのF1およびF2系統群における自発休眠特性 p 29
ニホンナシ自家和合性品種における自家結実性の品種間差異とエチレン生成との関係 p 30
第31回 氷温研究全国大会 特別講演・実用化事例発表
「氷温熟成と向き合い 地域社会に貢献する」 p 33
NPO法人 元気な日本をつくる会 組織運営本部 本部長 須田憲和
「氷温熟成味噌の開発経緯と全国販売への挑戦」 p 43
ひかり味噌(株) 取締役営業本部 本部長 守谷光司
「氷温ジェルアイスを活用したブリ、マグロの流通」 p 44
(株)ブリミー 工場長 濱敬吾
「氷温熟成但馬牛で美味しさ届ける温泉地のレストラン」 p 45
(株)温泉町夢公社 レストラン楓 店長 西澤茂巳
<氷温学会誌「氷温科学」の投稿規定および要綱> p 46
* 公益社団法人氷温協会と氷温学会が共催した第31回氷温研究全国大会の学術研究発表の要旨
に特別講演・実用化事例発表の抄録、および氷温学会が主催した第四回 低温・氷温研究会の
氷温科学 No.18 論文要旨
(氷温科学 18:1-6, 2017)
Hypoxic Gel Ice Storage Extends the Shelf Life of Fresh Fish More than Block Ice Storage
Ryota Hosomi*, Yasufumi Fukuma**, Takahiko Sakaue*, Anna Matsudo*, Munehiro Yoshida*, Kenji Fukunaga*
(*Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Kansai University, **Hyo-On Laboratories Inc.)
Enzymatic and microbiological activities as well as lipid oxidation in fish are major quality issues encountered during storage because they decrease shelf life. Storage at a cold temperature and under hypoxia is necessary for maintaining fish quality. Hypoxic gel ice is spherically shaped ice that is 0.1-0.5 mm in diameter and suspended within cold hypoxic seawater (dissolved oxygen concentration <1.0 mg/L), and has the advantage of enabling transportation without damaging the surface of fish. The cooling process of fish is also more efficient with hypoxic gel ice than with block ice. This study examined the effects of hypoxic gel ice storage on the K value, peroxide value, α-tocopherol (α-Toc) and trimethylamine (TMA) contents, and total viable bacterial cell count in fish fillets with those of gel ice and block ice storage. Hypoxic gel ice storage suppressed elevations in the K value and TMA content, and inhibited reductions in the α-Toc content more than block ice storage. Furthermore, no significant differences were observed in the total viable bacterial cell count of fish fillets among the groups examined. These results indicate that hypoxic gel ice storage suppresses the K value and lipid peroxidation and maintains the content of α-Toc in fish fillets. Therefore, hypoxic gel ice for fish storage effectively maintains fish quality and shelf life.
Keywords; hypoxic gel ice, fish storage, K value, α-tocopherol.
〒564-8680 *大阪府吹田市山手町3-3-35
3-3-35Yamate, Suita, Osaka, 564-8680 Japan
(氷温科学 18:7 -12, 2017)
細見亮太*,福間康文**,仲 勇樹*,中澤知奈美*,吉田宗弘*,福永健治*
Effects of Superchilling (Hyo-on) Aging on the Content of Free Fatty Acids and Degradation of Triacylglycerols in the Subcutaneous Fat of Pork Loin
Ryota Hosomi*, Yasufumi Fukuma**, Yuki Naka*, Chinami Nakazawa*, Munehiro Yoshida*, Kenji Fukunaga*
(*Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Kansai University, **Hyo-On Laboratories Inc.)
Superchilling (Hyo-on) means reducing the temperature of food uniformly to slightly above the freezing point, thereby extending its shelf life, namely, retaining fresh and high-quality food by suppressing the wide spread of harmful microorganisms. The melting point of fat and content of free fatty acids in meat affects its smooth texture. We previously demonstrated that meat aging under Hyo-on conditions resulted in a lower melting point for fat than that upon aging under chilling conditions. However, there is currently no definitive information on the effects of Hyo-on aging on the content of free fatty acids in pork meat. Therefore, the present study evaluated the effects of different aging temperatures on the melting point of fat and content of free fatty acids in the subcutaneous fat of pork loin. The melting point of fat in Hyo-on (-1°C) aging was significantly lower than that in chilling (+4°C) aging. Furthermore, the content of free fatty acids in Hyo-on aging was lower than that in chilling aging. Therefore, the texture of fat in Hyo-on aging pork becomes smooth because Hyo-on aging decreases the melting point of fat and content of free fatty acids.
Keywords; “Hyo-On”, aging, the melting point of fat, free fatty acid, subcutaneous fat.
〒564-8680 *大阪府吹田市山手町3-3-35
3-3-35Yamate, Suita, Osaka, 564-8680 Japan
(氷温科学 18:13-18, 2017)
山本英樹*, 福間康文**,西守克己***
(*米子工業高等専門学校電子制御工学科, **株式会社氷温研究所, ***鳥取大学工学部名誉教授)
Measurements of the sonic wave propagation characteristics of the Japanese pear (NIJISSEIKI) around the freezing temperature.
Hideki Yamamoto*, Yasufumi Fukuma**, Katsumi Nishimori***
(*Department of Electric Control Engineering, Yonago National College of Technology,
**Hyo-On Laboratories, *** Professor emeritus of Tottori University)
In the "Hyo-On" technique, detection of the freezing point is very important. To prevent freezing of the sample, there is a need for a system for detecting the freezing of the sample. When the sample is frozen, the sonic wave intensity transmitting into the sample is reduced. It is used to detect the freezing of the sample. However, in the non-geometric shape sample, such as Japanese pear (NIJISSEIKI), the sonic wave intensity is changed by a contact state of the sonic sensing devices. To maintain the contact state of the device, we have made the transmitting sonic wave measurement system with sample holder. The sonic wave propagation of the Japanese pear (NIJISSEIKI) around the freezing temperature was measured by the transmitting sonic wave measurement system with sample holder.
Key words: "Hyo-On", sonic wave, freezing temperature, contact state, sample holder
〒683-8502 鳥取県米子市彦名町4448
4448 Hikona-cho, Yonago, Tottori, 683-8502 Japan