No.16 【論文要旨 掲載】
氷温科学 No.16 2014.12.26
目 次
氷温熟成過程における脂肪融点の低い豚肩ロース皮下脂肪部の脂質性状の変化 p 1
ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイスを用いた鮮魚貯蔵中の脂質酸化的劣化度の評価 p 7
凍結温度検出システムの光学装置を用いた鮮度指標色値の測定 p 14
情熱から誕生した氷温熟成珈琲 p 18
十日町産農産物の氷温熟成で究極の妻有舞ブランドを目指す p 22
経営戦略の切り口 p27
<第一回、第二回低温・氷温研究会発表要旨> p 30
<平成25年度氷温研究全国大会発表要旨> p 44
<投稿規定> p 47
氷温科学 No.16 論文要旨
(氷温科学 16:1-6, 2014)
Superchilling (Hyo-on) Aging Alters the Melting Point of Fat in Soft Fat Pork
Ryota Hosomi*, Yurie Kawata*, Ren Otuka*, Katsuo Kuroki**, Yasufumi Fukuma***,Munehiro Yoshida*, Kenji Fukunaga*
(*Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Kansai University, **The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tottori University, ***Hyo-On Laboratories Inc.)
Superchilling (Hyo-on) means reducing the temperature of food uniformly to a point slightly above the freezing point, thereby extending the shelf-life of food, namely, retaining fresh andhigh-quality food by suppressing the wide spread of harmful microorganisms. Meat aging under
the Hyo-on condition resulted in a decrease of the melting point of fat compared with that upon aging under the chilling condition. Recently, soft fat pork has been drawing attention, and it may be the solution to saturated fatty acid consumption issues. However, no information is available concerning the properties of fat in soft fat pork under Hyo-on aging. This study evaluated the effect of different aging temperatures on the properties of fat in soft fat pork. The melting point of fat in Hyo-on (-1°C) aging was decreased by 3.7°C from 0 to 1 day, and then maintained at around 24°C. There was no significant correlation between the melting point of fat and free fatty acid or fatty acid composition in Hyo-on aging. In conclusion, Hyo-on aging decreases the melting point of fat in soft fat pork, which can improve the food texture and taste of meat.
Keywords : “Hyo-On”, aging, melting point of fat, soft fat pork, fatty acid compositon.
〒564-8680 大阪府吹田市山手町3-3-35
3-3-35Yamate, Suita, Osaka, 564-8680 Japan
(氷温科学 16:7-13, 2014)
Changes in the Lipid Quality and α-Tocopherol Content of Fish Fillets During Storage in Hypoxic Gel Ice
Ryota Hosomi*, Yasufumi Fukuma**, Yosuke Koike*, Shinnosuke Noguchi*, Munehiro Yoshida*,Kenji Fukunaga*
(*Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Kansai University, **Hyo-On Laboratories Inc.)
これまで氷温域を利用した鮮魚の流通について,0.1~0.5 mm の球状氷と冷海水がスラリー状に混合された微小氷(ジェルアイス)に氷温技術を応用した氷温ジェルアイスが利用されている。現在,氷温研究所は氷温ジェルアイスにナノレベルの窒素ガスを海水中に微細化混合分散させた低溶存酸素海水(ナノ窒素海水)技術を組み合わせた「ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイス」の開発を進めている。ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイスは,ジェルアイスの特長である高い冷却効率に加え,品質劣化の原因となる溶存酸素が少ないため,従来のブロックアイスによる輸送方法よりも高い鮮度を保持したまま流通できると考えられる。そこで本研究では,鮮魚をナノ窒素海水ジェルアイスに浸漬貯蔵し,品質劣化の関わる脂質の酸化的劣化度を経日的に評価した。ナノ窒素ジェルアイス貯蔵をおこなったすべての鮮魚(マアジ,カマス,サワラ,マサバ)において,過酸化物価,チオバルビツール酸価,酸価の上昇抑制および脂溶性抗酸化成分α-トコフェロール量の減少抑制が確認された。以上のことから,ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイスは,品質劣化に要因の一つである脂質の酸化的劣化を抑制することから,高鮮度保持流通に有効である。
Lipid oxidation in fish is a major quality problem during storage because of the decrease in shelf-life. In order to maintain fish quality, storage at a cold temperature and under hypoxia is necessary. Recently, gel ice storage has attracted a lot of attention because it has greater cooling efficiency than block ice storage. Hyo-On Laboratories Inc. developed “hypoxic gel ice” by using the combination of gel ice and hypoxic seawater. Hypoxic gel ice is spherically shaped ice, which is 0.1-0.5 mm in diameter and suspended within cold hypoxic seawater (dissolved oxygen concentration, < 1.0 mg/L). Hypoxic gel ice also has an advantage of enabling transportation without damaging the fish surface. This study examined the effect of hypoxic gel ice storage on lipid quality and α-tocopherol (α-Toc) in fish fillets compared with block ice storage. Hypoxic gel ice groups had lower peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid, and acid value than the block ice storage groups. In addition, α-Toc content in hypoxic gel ice storage was higher than in block ice storage. These results indicate that storage in hypoxic gel ice has an effect of suppressing lipid peroxidation and maintaining α-Toc content. It can be concluded that hypoxic gel ice for fish storage was effective for maintaining fish quality.
Keywords; “Hyo-On”, hypoxic gel ice, fish storage, lipid oxidation, α-tocopherol.
〒564-8680 大阪府吹田市山手町3-3-35
3-3-35Yamate, Suita, Osaka, 564-8680 Japan
(氷温科学 16:14-17, 2014)
Measurement of color values of freshness index using optical apparatus of detection system of the freezing temperature
Hideki Yamamoto* and Katsumi Nishimori**
(*Department of Electric Control Engineering, Yonago National College of Technology,**Professor emeritus of Tottori University)
氷温技術は食品等の試料の鮮度の低下を防ぎ,試料の品質を長期間維持または向上させることができる技術である。この氷温技術において,食品等の試料の凍結の検出と鮮度の変化を知る指標を継続的に測定することは非常に重要なことである。食品等の鮮度を示す値として,L*a*b*などの色値が用いられることがある。これまでに偏光フィルター,光学装置およびCCD カメラで構成した装置で取得した画像を用いて試料の氷結点を検出する方法を提案している。本論文では,光学装置等を用いた氷結点検出システムの画像から鮮度指標値としてL*a*b*値を取得する方法を検討した。
"Hyo-On" is a technique that can be improved or maintained for a long-term of the quality of the samples such as foods. In the "Hyo-On" technique, detection of the freezing point and continuous measurement of freshness index value of the sample are very important. Sometimes color values such as L*a*b* are used as a freshness index value of the sample. In this paper, we studied a method to obtain the L*a*b* values as freshness index value from the CCD image of the freezing point detection system.
Key words : "Hyo-On", optical apparatus, CCD, freshness index, color values.
〒683-8502 鳥取県米子市彦名町4448
4448 Hikona-cho, Yonago, Tottori, 683-8502 Japan