トップページ > 氷温学会誌 「氷温科学」 > No.22 【論文要旨 掲載】

No.22 【論文要旨 掲載】

氷温科学 No.22 2021.3.31 [ISSN 2432-2660]

目 次

氷温を利用した豚肉の長期熟成処理が一般生菌数および呈味成分濃度に及ぼす影響   p 1

低温環境におけるファインバブル発生装置稼働中の表面張力変化および位置依存性  p 7

35 氷温研究全国大会 学術研究発表

亜熱帯地域ミャンマーにおける氷温技術活用による水産コールドチェーン構築   p 15

及ぼす影響 p16

第八回 低温・氷温研究会  

水分の凍結時の誘電率変化を利用した平行平板型キャパシタ型凍結センサの開発   p 19

低温領域でのファインバブル発生装置稼働中の表面張力の変化及び位置依存性   p 20

山間地域のジビエ利活用対策を志向したイノシシ肉のエージング効果に関する食品研究   p 21

圧力調整下における低温処理が米飯の食味に与える影響   p 22

低温発芽性ナシ花粉の選抜並びに有用性の評価  p 23

家庭用冷蔵庫を用いた畜肉類の熟成処理による一般生菌数および呈味成分の変化   p 24

異なる熟成温度が豚肉の一般生菌数および呈味成分に及ぼす影響   p 25
梅林雄斗・ 中村潤平・細見亮太・吉田宗弘・福永健治  

食肉の熟成に関わるプロテアーゼ類の−1℃および+4℃での活性の違い  p 26
公益社団法人氷温協会規格  食品の氷温貯蔵・氷温処理における氷結点測定法   p 29

<抄 録>  
35回 氷温研究全国大会 特別発表・実用化事例発表

 氷点下の未凍結貯蔵が牛部分肉に及ぼす影響について   p 35
 国立研究開発法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構
 九州沖縄農業研究センター 畜産草地研究領域
 上級研究員 中村好徳(徳は旧字体) 
 早生ミカンが5倍で売れてる~氷温活用4か月貯蔵~   p 41
 大青工業株式会社 代表取締役会長 服部國彦

 食酢業界で唯一の氷温純米酢について   p 45
 マンネン酢合資会社 代表社員 久保好弘 

 氷温に巡りあって。舶来亭   p 48
 株式会社幸一洋食厨房舶来亭 代表取締役 谷田みどり

<氷温学会誌「氷温科学」の投稿規定および要綱>  p 51

* 公益社団法人氷温協会と氷温学会が共催した第35回氷温研究全国大会の学術研究発表の要旨
 に特別発表・実用化事例発表の抄録、および氷温学会が主催した第八回 低温・氷温研究会の


氷温科学 No.22  論文要旨

(氷温科学 22:1-6, 2021)


(*関西大学 化学生命工学部,**株式会社氷温研究所)

Effect of Superchilling (Hyo-On) Aging on the Total Bacterial Count and Concentration of Taste Components of Pork Loin

Ryota Hosomi*, Yurie Kishimoto*, Yuichi Fukuda*, Junpei Nakamura*, Yasufumi Fukuma**, Munehiro Yoshida*, Kenji Fukunaga*
(*Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Kansai University, **Hyo-On Laboratories Inc.)


To evaluate the effects of long-term meat aging at superchilling, the total bacterial count, concentration of taste components, and palatability of pork loin were compared for samples aged at 4 °C and −1 °C. At 7, 14, and 21 days of aging, the total bacterial count of pork aged at −1 ℃ had significantly decreased compared to that of the sample aged at 4 ℃. Even after aging pork at −1 °C for 42 days, the total bacterial count did not reach 108 colony forming unit/g, which is generally considered to be the spoilage of meat. The concentration of inosinic acid in the pork loin aged at −1 ℃ was s decreased more slowly than that of the sample aged at 4 ℃. Free amino acid analysis and sensory evaluation were performed on the samples aged at 4 °C for 14 days and at −1 ℃ for 42 days, in which the total bacterial count was almost equivalent. Further, the glutamic acid concentration and overall palatability of pork loin samples aged at −1 ℃ for 42 days were significantly increased as compared to those of samples aged at 4 °C for 14 days. From these results, it was concluded that aging at −1 ℃ increased the added value of pork by suppressing the growth of bacteria and improving its palatability over that achieved from samples aged at 4 °C.

Keywords: superchilling (“Hyo-On”), aging, total bacterial count, taste, pork.
〒564-8680 大阪府吹田市山手町3-3-35
3-3-35Yamate, Suita, Osaka, 564-8680 Japan


(氷温科学 22:7-11, 2021)


(*国立米子工業高等専門学校 電子制御工学科,**株式会社氷温研究所,***国立米子工業高等専門学校 物質工学科)

A change of surface tension and location dependence during operation of fine-bubble generator in cold temperature environment

KAKUDA Naoki, UMEDA Kazuki, MISHIMA Mutsuo, FUJII Takatoshi, and KOHNO Kiyotaka
(*Department of Electronic Control Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Yonago College, **Hyo-on Laboratories Inc., ***Department of Material Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Yonago College)


It is necessary to consider generation of fine-bubbles in low temperature environment for outdoor application of fine-bubbles in winter. However, it has not been little studied so far. In this study, the fine-bubble generator was operated in a low temperature environment (about 0°C), and the confirmation of fine-bubble generation over time and its position dependency were examined. As a result, it was confirmed that the surface tension was lowered and that fine-bubbles were generated in cold temperature environment. In addition, it was found that the positional relationship is caused by the positional relationship between the nozzle and the water inlet.

Keywords: fine-bubble, cold temperature, water, surface tension.
〒683-8502 鳥取県米子市彦名町4448
4448 Hikona-cho, Yonago, Tottori, 683-8502 Japan
