トップページ > 氷温学会誌 「氷温科学」 > No.17 【論文要旨 掲載】

No.17 【論文要旨 掲載】

氷温科学 No.17 2015.12.25

目 次

<論 文>
氷温熟成過程での豚ロース筋肉部の遊離アミノ酸および呈味成分の変化  p 1

フーリエ変換を用いた音波伝搬特性による氷結点検出精度向上の検討  p 7

氷温水処理した炊飯米の物性と食味 ~保温と冷凍の影響~  p 11

氷温技術を用いたワイン醸造 その1 氷温乾燥および氷温減圧乾燥によるブドウの高糖度化 p 16

<要 旨>
30 氷温研究全国大会 学術研究発表

ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイス貯蔵による魚介類の脂質酸化抑制効果  p 22

音波変調と数値処理による音波伝搬特性法の氷結点検出精度向上の検討  p 23

第三回 低温・氷温研究会  

氷温乾燥を用いたブドウの高糖度化と醸造  p 25

氷温乾燥処理を用いた野菜中のカリウム除去について  p 26

ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイス貯蔵のマアジ鮮度保持効果の評価  p 27

氷温熟成処理が豚肉のタンパク質および核酸成分に及ぼす影響   p 28

ナシ属植物の葉および枝の脂肪酸組成の季節変動   p 29

ニホンナシ自家和合性品種における自家結実性の品種間差異の原因   p 30

ニホンナシ系統TH3とタイワンナシ横山とのF1およびF2系統群の自発休眠導入特性   p 31

トランスクリプトーム解析によるナシの芽の自発休眠打破に関与する遺伝子の解析 p 32

<抄 録>  
30回 氷温研究全国大会 特別講演・実用化事例発表

「氷温人生」 p 34
(株)ダイマツ 会長 松江伸武

「氷温技術を使った地産地消の推進 ~6次産業化のお手伝い~」  p 42
(株)桃の館 戦略企画部商品企画開発原料調達グループ 担当部長 竹迫章浩 

「氷温との出会い、そして韓国でスタートする氷温KOREA」  p 43
(株)氷温KOREA  CEO 沈揆斌

「生産農家が提供する なぎビーフ -レストランQUCHI-」  p 44
(株) オリジナルキューチ 代表 豊福祥旗 

<氷温学会誌「氷温科学」の投稿規定および要綱>  p 45

* 公益社団法人氷温協会と氷温学会が共催した第30回氷温研究全国大会の学術研究発表の要旨
 に特別講演・実用化事例発表の抄録、および氷温学会が主催した第三回 低温・氷温研究会の


氷温科学 No.17 論文要旨

(氷温科学 17:1-6, 2015)



Effects of Superchilling (Hyo-on) Aging on Free Amino Acids and Taste-active Components in Pork Loin

Ryota Hosomi*, Yasufumi Fukuma**, Yuko Toda*, Kaho Yamamoto*, Ren Otsuka*,Munehiro Yoshida*, Kenji Fukunaga*
(*Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Kansai University, **Hyo-On Laboratories Inc.)


Superchilling (Hyo-on) means reducing the temperature of food uniformly to slightly above the freezing point, thereby extending its shelf-life, namely, retaining fresh and high-quality food by suppressing the wide spread of harmful microorganisms. Our previous studies showed that meat aging under Hyo-on conditions resulted in a decrease of the melting point of fat compared with that upon aging under chilling conditions. However, no information is available concerning the free amino acids and taste-active components in pork under Hyo-on aging. This study thus evaluated the effect of different aging temperatures on the free amino acids and taste-active components in pork loin. The inosine monophosphate content of pork loin in Hyo-on (-1°C) aging was maintained higher than that in chilling (+4°C) aging. In addition, the rate of generation of free amino acids in pork loin in Hyo-on aging was lower than that in chilling aging. This study revealed that Hyo-on aging needs to last a long time for the enhancement of tastiness compared with chilling aging.

Keywords; “Hyo-On”, aging, free amino acid, taste-active components, pork.

〒564-8680 *大阪府吹田市山手町3-3-35
3-3-35Yamate, Suita, Osaka, 564-8680 Japan

(氷温科学 17:7-10, 2015)


山本英樹*, 西守克己**
(*米子工業高等専門学校電子制御工学科,  **鳥取大学工学部名誉教授)

Study of improving the accuracy of the freezing point detection using the Fourier transform of the acoustic wave waveform

Hideki Yamamoto* and Katsumi Nishimori**
(*Department of Electric Control Engineering, Yonago National College of Technology, ** Professor emeritus of Tottori University)


"Hyo-On" is a technique that can be improved or maintained for a long-term of the quality of the samples such as foods. In the "Hyo-On" technique, detection of the freezing point and continuous measurement of freshness index value of the sample is very important. Rarely abnormally cold temperatures occurs in the super-chilling storage system. To prevent freezing of the sample, there is a need for a system for detecting the freezing of the sample. When the sample is frozen, the sonic wave intensity transmitting into the sample is reduced. It is used to detect the freezing of the sample. However, the sonic wave intensity of transmission of the large size of the sample is small, the detection of the freezing of the large size sample is difficult. In this paper, in order to separate the signal and noise in small sonic waves, Fourier transform was applied to waveform of sonic wave that transmitting the large size samples. It showed improving the accuracy of the freezing point detection of the large size sample.

Key words: “Hyo-On”, sonic wave, freezing temperature, Fourier transform, temperature dependence

〒683-8502 鳥取県米子市彦名町4448
4448 Hikona-cho, Yonago, Tottori, 683-8502 Japan

(氷温科学 17:11-15, 2015)

「氷温水処理した炊飯米の物性と食味 ~保温と冷凍の影響~」

藤井貴敏*,藤井雄三*,伊達勇介*,日野英壱*,嘉村茅夏*,磯山美華*,福間康文**,小田耕平*,青木 薫*

Properties and Taste of Boiled Non-Glutinous Rice Treated with Water under Hyo-On Condition
~Influence of Retaining Warmth and Freezing~

Takatoshi Fujii*, Yuzo Fujii*, Yusuke Date*, Eiichi Hino*, Chinatsu Kamura*, Mika Isoyama*, Yasufumi Fukuma**, Kohei Oda*, Kaoru Aoki*
(*National Institute of Technology, Yonago College, **Hyo-On Laboratories Inc.)


The effect of immersion in water under Hyo-On condition at -1.0℃ to the taste of boiled non-glutinous rice have been investigated by the measurement of whiteness, elasticity, viscosity, free amino acid, and free all sugar, and the tasting of the boiled rice. The values of whiteness, water content, free amino acid, and total free sugar of the boiled rice treated with water under Hyo-On (the Hyo-On boiled rice) are higher than the one treated with water under room temperature (the R.T. boiled rice). The Hyo-On boiled rice was highly rated in the tasting, owing to contain tasty component and to be sticky. After elapse of the time under retaining warmth, the Hyo-On rice was higher rated than the R.T. boiled rice. It is considered that the Hyo-On rice is suitable for rice of lunch box and rice frozen.

Key words:Rice cooking ,Refrigeration , Heat-retention , Quality preservation.
〒683-8502 鳥取県米子市彦名町4448
4448 Hikona-cho, Yonago, Tottori, 683-8502 Japan

(氷温科学 17:16-20, 2015)

「氷温技術を用いたワイン醸造 その1氷温乾燥および氷温減圧乾燥によるブドウの高糖度化」

伊達勇介*,藤井雄三*,藤井貴敏*,日野英壱*,原 美咲*,加川庸一*,磯山美華*,福間康文**,小田耕平*,青木 薫*

Wine Making Applied Hyo-On Technology, Part 1
Hyo-On Atmospheric Drying and Hyo-On Decompression Drying for Increasing Sugar Content of Grape

Yusuke Date *, Yuzo Fujii*, Takatoshi Fujii*, Eiichi Hino*, Misaki Hara*, Yoichi Kagawa*, Mika Isoyama*, Yasufumi Fukuma**, Kohei Oda*, Kaoru Aoki*
(*National Institute of Technology, Yonago College, **Hyo-On Laboratories Inc.)

氷温常圧乾燥および氷温減圧乾燥によるブドウの糖度変化について検討した.氷温常圧乾燥の場合,巨峰果実の質量は,時間の経過とともに直線的に減少し,50週目に元の質量の60%になった.試験に使用した乾燥前の巨峰の平均糖度は18.1 °Brixであったが20週目には補糖を行うことなくワイン醸造が可能な22 °Brixを超えた.50週目には,糖度は24.9 °Brixとなった.50週経過後もブドウの腐敗や褐変などはほとんど起こらなかった.氷温減圧乾燥では,乾燥速度が極めて速くなり,30日で元の質量の50%以下となり,糖度は26 °Brixまで上昇した.

The change of sugar content in grape by the Hyo-On atmospheric drying and Hyo-On decompression drying have been investigated. The Hyo-On atmospheric drying and the Hyo-On decompression drying were applied to Kyoho grape and Berry-A grape, respectively. In the both cases, the mass of fruit linearly decreased with time of drying. In the case of Hyo-On atmospheric drying, the mass of Kyoho grape was 60% of the original at 50 weeks after. At the time of 20 weeks under Hyo-On atmospheric condition, the average sugar content of Kyoho grape increased over 22 °Brix, whereas the original was 18.1 °Brix. The value of 22 °Brix allows for brewing of wine without additional sugar. At 50 weeks after, the sugar content of Kyoho grape was 24.9 °Brix. At even 50 weeks after, the appearance of Kyoho grape was in good condition without putrefaction and browning under Hyo-On condition. Although the type of grape was different, drying rate of Hyo-On decompression drying became ten times faster than the case of atmospheric drying. The mass of Berry-A grape was under 50% of the original and the average sugar content increased 26 °Brix at 30 days after.

Key words:High sugar content , Concentration , Quality preservation
〒683-8502 鳥取県米子市彦名町4448
4448 Hikona-cho, Yonago, Tottori, 683-8502 Japan
