トップページ > 氷温学会誌 「氷温科学」 > No.15 【論文要旨 掲載】

No.15 【論文要旨 掲載】

氷温科学 No.15 2013.12.27

目 次

氷温熟成が豚ロース皮下脂肪部の脂質性状に与える影響  p 1

超音波の伝搬強度と偏向フィルター画像を用いた氷結温度検出  p 7
氷温熟成あさりの美味しさを届ける~ジェルアイス流通の取り組み~ p12

関東一のそばの郷を目指して~日光山麓の風味豊かなそばへのこだわり~  p 16

ナノ窒素水と氷温で新たな鮮度流通を p 21

食の情報発信基地「わったいな」から氷温の魅力を~レストラン、直売所、そして白ネギ開発~ p26

氷温熟成ブランドでの商品イメージ戦略~牛角キムチでの全国展開~ p 30

高鮮度保持に欠かせない氷温対応包材~ジェルアイス輸送用ダンボールの開発~ p 34

<平成2324年度氷温研究全国大会発表要旨> p 38

<投稿規定>  p 47


氷温科学 No.15 論文要旨

(氷温科学 15:1-6, 2013)



Influence of Superchilling (Hyo-On) Treatment on Melting Point of Fat in Pork Loin

Ryota Hosomi*, YasufumiFukuma**, Ren Otuka***, Munehiro Yoshida***, Kenji Fukunaga***
(*Department of Human Living Science, Tottori College, **Hyo-On Laboratories Inc., ***Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Kansai University)

食肉に含まれる脂肪は,舌触りや口溶け,なめらかさ,コクなどに影響を与える。これまでに氷温域で豚肉の熟成をおこなうことで,脂肪融点が低下することが報告されているが,原因を解明するには至っていない。そこで本研究では,氷温域(−1℃)とチルド域(+4℃)でそれぞれ熟成させた豚肉の脂質性状におよぼす影響を評価した。豚ロース皮下脂肪部の脂質融点は,チルド熟成処理と比較し,氷温熟成処理により低下が確認された。脂肪融点の低下は,熟成1 日からみられ,熟成14 日でも維持されており,熟成7 日にはチルド熟成処理と比較し約4℃の差がみられた。一方,チルド熟成肉では,熟成による脂肪融点の変化は確認されなかった。脂肪融点低下の原因を解明するために,遊離脂肪酸量,総脂質脂肪酸組成について測定をおこなったが,熟成温度の違いによる変化は確認できなかった。また,ラードをチルドおよび氷温熟成処理し脂肪融点におよぼす影響を評価したが,脂肪融点の変化は見られなかった。このことから,氷温熟成処理による豚肉皮下脂肪部の脂肪融点の低下は,油脂を熟成するだけでは効果がみられず,豚肉として熟成する必要があることが示唆された。

Superchilling (Hyo-On) means reducing the temperature of food uniformly to a point slightly above which obtained in freezing point, thereby extend the self-life of food, namely retaining fresh and high quality food by suppressing the wide-spreading of harmful microorganisms in food. Aging meat under the Hyo-On resulted in the increase of glucogenic amino acid and glutamic acid contents compared with that under the chilling condition. However, there is not available information concerning the properties of fat under the Hyo-On treatment. This study evaluated the effect of different aging temperature on the properties of fat in pork loin. The melting point of fat in Hyo-On (−0.5 ± 0.5°C) treatment was decreased by 3.0°C from 0 to 1 day, and then maintained to around 38°C. On the other hand, the melting point of fat in chilling (4 ±0.5°C) treatment maintained a constant temperature of about 41°C. To investigate the cause of the decreased melting point of fat, fatty acid content and fatty acid composition were measured.There were no significant difference between chilling and Hyo-On aging treatments about them, respectively. In conclusion, Hyo-On aging which causes the decrease of melting point of fat can improve the food texture and taste of pork meat.

Keywords; “Hyo-On”, melting of fat, pork meat, fatty acid.
〒682-8555 鳥取県倉吉市福庭854
854 Fukuba, Kurayoshi, Tottori, 682-8555 Japan

(氷温科学 15:7-11, 2013)



Detection of the freezing temperature using ultrasonic wave and polarizers

Hideki Yamamoto* and Katsumi Nishimori**
(*Department of Electric Control Engineering, Yonago National College of Technology, **Professor emeritus ofTottori University)


In the "Hyo-On" technique, detection of the freezing temperature of the sample is an important factor. To measure the freezing temperature of granular cereals such as rice or wheat, a measurement method using the decrease of the intensity of a sonic wave to be transmitted through cereals was developed. The method to measure the freezing temperature using the sonic wave issimple, and it can be used for a various shaped sample. However, the corelation between the frozen ratio of a sample and the decrease of sonic wave is not confirmed. In this paper, the relationship between the intensity of the ultrasonic and the frozen ratio of the sample was confirmed by comparing the measurement of intensity of the ultrasonic wave to be transmitted through the sample and the detection using optical apparatus including polarizers at the same time.

Key words: “Hyo-On”, sonic wave, freezing temperature, optical apparatus, polarizer.
〒683-8502 鳥取県米子市彦名町4448
4448 Hikona-cho, Yonago, Tottori, 683-8502 Japan
